This was a clear-cut case of the original land owner being in the right 这个案例中明显是原土地所有人有理。
Due to his having the deed, the whole village was the land-owner's, regardless. 由于地主有地契,毫无疑问整个村庄都归他所有。
The land can be sold at the owner's pleasure. 这块地可随主人的意愿出售。
In the land owner's employ 土地所有者的工作者
The land owner is said to give hard measure to his step-daughter. The young hostess romped downstairs. 听说那位地主对他的继女很苛刻。年轻的女主人轻快地走下楼来。
Returns the land owner at a given location. 返回土地拥有者的位置。
In the history of the Qin State, the feudal system was based on the states or kings ownership of land, that is, the supreme land owner was the state while the king was its personification. 在泰国的历史上,封建制度的基础是一种土地国有制或王有制,最高土地所有者被认为是国家,而国王就是国家的人格化。
I put no manure whatever on this land, not being the owner, but merely a squatter, and not expecting to cultivate so much again, and I did not quite hoe it all once. 我没有在这片地上施肥,我不是它的主人,不过是一个居住在无主之地上的人,我不希望种那么多的地,就没有一下于把全部的地都锄好。
It is similar in production and development-both religious organizations are land owner and operators, industrial and commercial activity administrator and operator. 相似性表现在俄、中寺院经济的产生和发展,俄、中宗教组织是大土地所有者和经营者,工商业活动的管理者和经营者,这三部分也是贯穿本文的核心内容。
First, it did not change any rural social relationship at all, especially land owner right. 首先,着佃交粮并未改变当时农村社会生产关系,特别是土地所有权关系的现状。
Underground parts of land including minerals should be the mutual resources of both mining right owner and land right owner. 包裹矿产的地下土地部分应是采矿权人与地表权人的互有资源。
Modern property Theory and China's Rural Land Owner System Reform 现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革
On Our Country's Land Owner and It's Agent 论我国农村土地所有者与代理者
The land assets income of the loss, real for land owner's deserved land rent amount. 流失的土地资产收益,实为土地所有者应得的地租量。
Then author research five kinds of social institutions which impact social-spatial differentiation: ( 1) government and its effect as land owner; 从五个方面具体分析影响城市住宅市场分化的机构、各种机构对城市居住空间、社会空间分异的影响力:(1)政府作为土地所有者及其作用形态;
Chapter 4 studies the revenue share for the urban land owner on condition of market-featured management. 第四章探讨市场化经营条件下城市土地所有者收益的保障。
Land assets essence of income, land owner basis land rent that ownership win in land their in fact. 土地资产收益的实质,实际上就是土地所有者依据其对土地的所有权获得的地租。
Through reform, policy of using land payably and in a limited period and ownership transformation policy payably which is suitable for social market economy, conduct contradiction between country-owned land supply and collective land supply, government managing land and collective land owner. 通过改革要建立适应社会主义市场经济的有偿有限期使用制度,处理好国有土地供应和集体土地供应、政府管理土地和集体土地所有者管理土地这两类矛盾。
The separation of the land ownership and the land-use right for building does not mean that the space right is fully attributed to the content of land-use right for building, the land owner still enjoys the right of space-use within a certain scope. 当土地所有权与建设用地使用权发生分离之后,并不意味着空间权完全归属于建设用地使用权的内容,土地所有权人也仍然在一定范围内享有对空间利用的权利。
Marx said that any form of rent are based on the premise of the existence of land ownership, then the rent is the land owner with land ownership and access to an income, which is under different social patterns common ground rent. 马克思说过,任何形式的地租都是以土地所有权的存在为前提的,那么地租就是土地所有者凭借土地所有权而获得的一项收入,这是不同的社会形态下的地租的共同点。
Land expropriation compensation is that the land owner obtains right compensation equivalent to the land value. Land expropriation compensation system is closely related to farmers 'individual interest; therefore, land expropriation should persist in three principles: fair, public and equal. 土地征收补偿是指土地征收后土地的原所有者获得与土地价值相等的补偿,土地征收补偿制度与农民的生活密切相关,所以在土地征收补偿中必须坚持公平、公开、公正的原则。
The coincidence of collective economic organizations and basic-level autonomous organizations often leads to the infringement of farmers rights while the inconformity of interests targets results in cultivated land conversion by the non-agricultural owner and rights infringement. 指出集体经济组织与基层自治组织的重合性,导致集体经济组织常常会损害农户利益,而利益目标不一致,使得非农业主改变农地用途、侵害农民权益的情况也是屡见不鲜。
Before re-development and construction of urban land, government who is the representative of land owner often needs to recover the land-use rights from the current owner, and re-set or transfer land-use rights. 在实施城市土地重新开发和建设之前,作为土地所有权者的国家及其代表&政府往往需要从当前土地使用权人手中收回土地使用权,并重新设定或转让土地使用权。
The regime of buried-object discovery dates back to the early era of Roman law. The ownership of the buried object was attributed to the land owner thanks to the contemporary non-circulation of property and the bondage of the common societal attitude. 埋藏物发现制度可追溯至罗马法早期,当时由于财产的不流通和社会一般观念的限制,采取的是埋藏物所有权归属土地所有人的制度。
Overall, the records of the thesis will be helpful to timely and accurately master the land price for the land owner and land user, it also will play an important reference role of the other areas in land price monitoring. 论文的研究有利于土地所有者和土地使用者及时准确地掌握土地价格,对今后其他地区的地价管理有一定的借鉴作用。
The successful point to protect the rural land in US is to guarantee the land owner and all the related land oblige. 美国的农地保护成功之处在于使土地所有者和相关权利人都能成为农地保护的受益者。
High prices and low level of compensation seriously damaged the interests of the majority of the State-owned land owner, and is contrary to concept of State-owned land serving the public interests of the people that country should adhere to. 高房价和低水平的征地补偿严重地损害了作为国有土地主人的大多数民众的利益,与国家所秉持的国有土地应服务于民众的公共利益的理念相违背。
Analysis of state-owned land by the owner of the value of their housing situation, explore their losses during collection. 通过分析国有土地上房屋对其所有者的价值情况,发掘征收过程对其带来的损失。
Land expropriation is to show the country or government for public interest-in accordance with legal procedures, forcibly obtains all land rights belonging to original land owner and gives reasonable compensation for legal administrative act. 土地征收是国家或者政府为了公共利益的需要,依照法定程序,强制性的取得原土地所有者的土地所有权,并给予适当补偿的行政行为。